Final mouse Starlight 12 medium – Do you have grip tape for the medium?

X-raypad Questions분류: Other questionsFinal mouse Starlight 12 medium – Do you have grip tape for the medium?
asked 2년 ago

Do you have custom BTL grip tape for final mouse starlight 12 “medium”?

3 Answers
Holly Kwang 스탭 answered 2년 ago

Yes what color do you want? 

Livids replied 2년 ago

I what the black color with the “plus” looking texture.

Holly Kwang 스탭 answered 2년 ago

We have black-white, black-purple. We will stock soon, you can check on our site next week. 

Livids replied 2년 ago

It says that the “black” color is in stock for the starlight 12 medium. And I saw an image that the “black” color way has the “plus texture” I will order it now. I hope it is the one that I want.